Quench and tempering of steels
Off-line heat treatment predictors
- Technology specific predictors
Technology specific predictors
„Tailor made“ software solutions designed for temperature and metallurgical predictions of specific heat treated products as bars, tubes, sections and rails.
These software solutions communicate off-line with the Databases of process parameters and laboratory tests. These data are processed in the VerifyMET module and resulting adaptation coefficients are used to refine temperature and metallurgical predictions.

Example: IHT_BAR Software
The IHT_BAR is the software for calculation of microstructure and final mechanical properties of steel round bars processed in the heat treatment equipment.
The IHT_BAR provides the following information:
- CCT-diagram of steel based on chemical composition with the possibility to modify particular CCT-curves,
- Temperature prediction in places where process pyrometers are located,
- Microstructure of the steel (shares of ferrite, pearlite, bainite and martensite),
- Final mechanical properties along the bar radius (hardness, yield stress, ultimate tensile strength, KCV).